sâmbătă, 19 octombrie 2019

Suflet cerat

Prima oara cand te-am lasat sa te stabilesti acolo
Era inca un joc inofensiv
Puteam sa te trag inapoi oricand
Si nu ar fi durut.
Ai curs peste mine ca o boare usoara
Cu aroma de miere
Si m-ai imbracat in catifea.
In timp, dulcele gustului tau s-a dus
Si am simtit imbratisarea cum se strange
Tare, aproape ca oasele care ma tineau intreaga,
Tu imi tineai sufletul strans intr-un pumn
Dar eu eram convinsa ca, daca as musca din el,
La interior ar fi dulce
Ca un mar caramelizat
Pe care mi-l faceau ai mei
Cand eram mica.

Couple with Clouds in Their Heads (Man), 1936, Salvador Dali

Treasure of the dead

Every night you used to sink asleep onto my skin
Like a warm foam
You were so weak and vulnerable
And used to curve at the ends on one side
Like insects do when they die
You asked me to caress off your body
All the remains of the day
With the tips of my fingers
But it was so soft always
I couldn't find any trace of the pains and torments
You were telling me about
I started not to believe you anymore
And picked bits of skin off your chest with my nails
Long after you already fell asleep
Like a crow does with its dead bodies.
When I first thought about writing this poem
About how you used to sleep on my body
I thought of it with quiet longing
And love so sweet
That, in my mind, the movement you made while asleep
Was that of a restless baby mumbling in a dream
And the touch of my hand of the raising rhythm of your heart
That of a trembling little bug
On the surface where she rested every night
Like landing in a nest.
Now I recall your mumbling as the snoring of a grumpy old man
Mr. Scrooge, that would be you,
However much I gave you out of me
You always wanted more
And hid it under your mattress at night.
You died with it there
Never once
Looking at it. 

miercuri, 16 octombrie 2019

The body beast II

When did the body so small
Become big that it split my heart in two
From my rib cage up
And made my bones crack like sticks in a fire
Every time you tried to fit in.
In the last months since Easter
I've only been able to fall asleep on pills
Because of the way you used to play my flips
On and off
Like with a switch
You broke my wires
I wasn't able to connect anymore
To myself.
I never told you the truth
When you used to ask me
Why I have the saddest face on earth
I didn't want to upset you
Because I knew how you were too upset already
And how numb you were
To feel anything
Maybe if I'd have asked you to beat me to pieces
You would've succeeded
But to show me love and kindness
That you never did.

The body beast I

When I used to love you
I always imagined it would be the last time
For eight months my mind struggled to leave you
But my body grabbed onto you
Like a hurt beast
I will never understand my despair in going back to this
You in particular
Were the hardest to love
The cruelest to my broken body beast
The easiest to forgive
The only one I left
(I know why)
Perhaps you were just like me
Maybe this is why it was possible to leave you
When I leave myself all the time.

Umbilical cord

You used to say
That if we were to ever break up
And you would meet me again
Even with a wife and kids
You would invent an excuse
And have me in the toilet of the hospital
Where your wife has just given birth
There, with them,
Because this is how much you used to want me
This is how much the passion between us
Wouldn't fade over time.
I used to think we are unbreakable
But you broke us
Without the blink of an eye
And here I am, covering myself
in the smell of cheap ink
While she is covered in the smell of your semen
The one that used to leave a crust over my belly button
That soft place you used to rub and love
Over and over again.
Erwin Blumenfeld, Nude under wet silk, Paris, 1937

Black sweat

I get home
And i smudge my lipstick in the mirror of the elevator
My lipstick smells like blood
You know that rust and blackening crust that is placed on the iron
The same is deepening in the skin of my face
I don't know when this started
I get home
Smelling of so many things
As if my body disintegrates during the day
Up to the point I can't stand myself
And I have to wash it away ten times
Before going to bed, even if it takes an hour
Or more
I get home
But I don't get to bed
Until I feel safe.

(Septembrie 2019)

A monster standing

When I go into the bathroom
I expect to see something giant sitting in there
And sometimes I do, for a second,
You see, in the middle of the night,
I feel like there is a monster standing
With a catchlight on his back from the moon
And he is with me in bed
But when I reach to wave him away
Like you would a bad feeling
It's not moving
Yet hard and warm, like a body
But it's just the fur
Of my plush bear
I like to hold onto something each time
that I go to sleep with my right arm
Always clinging onto something
This time it was my teddy
Other time it is a pillow
Other times it was your hand.
It feels hard to wake up with a missing limb
From your own
Now I have to replace it with things that immitate
The third arm I used to have.

I have a hard time not imagining creatures in my bed at night
Or in the bathroom when I wake up half dizzy in the afternoon
And forget the time of day
The hours pass by, connected
Like in a chain of prison
Sleep works like a tranquilizer
For my seizures
While in the daytime
I'm living a nightmare. 

Gânduri din vara asta II

Sunt un bagaj plin cu emoții
Pot să înțeleg de ce e greu
Să îl iei după tine de fiecare dată
când pleci
Vezi tu, știu că vrei să fie ușor
Nu ai de ce să adaugi asta
La toate câte le cari deja
În fiecare dimineață
Când propriul tău corp e suficient
Să îl deschizi și să îl ridici după tine
Atâtea ore
Până cazi obosit în uitare.
Nu te judec, cum aș putea
Când nimeni nu te înțelege
Mai bine decât mine?

(August 2019)

Gânduri din vara asta I

Pielea mea arată ca niște șervețele umede îmbibate în naftalină
Am stat și am observat cum te ștergi de pe mine
De la un stadiu la altul,
Și a fost aproape frumos
Să-ți simt culorile în fiecare dimineață
Pe corpul meu
Încât nu m-am gândit cât de dureros
Se frecau de orice haină
Și nu puteam să mă ating
Sau să mă mișc fără să simt
Cât de prezent erai în mine
Acum, pe parcurs ce mă învechesc,
Corpul tău se stinge și moare
Îl îndepărtez ca pe o coajă de soare
Și îl privesc cum îmi cade la picioare
Amintirea de tine care nu mai doare.

(Iulie 2019)